Fans and Air Movers::
Fan 24" Misting Water Cooling Pedestal

Where to find Fan 24  Misting Water Cooling Pedestal in Eden Prairie

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Manufacturer: Schaefer
Model: 24CFO-B
Daily: $35.00
Weekly: $105.00
  • 24" diameter, 2-speed, 1/4 hp, 115 volt, 2.9/1.6 amps, 2.85/1.51 thrust (lbf), 5281/3845 cfm, 1100/800 rpm. MADE IN THE USA.
  • Brass misting nozzles are not adjustable. $5.00 replacement charge for any missing nozzles. Water misting hose attachment, $25.00 charge if missing.
* Prices are subject to change. Tax and other fees not shown in above price estimate.

* Please call us for any questions on our fan 24 inch misting water cooling pedestal rentals in Eden Prairie Minnesota, Bloomington, Chanhassen, Minnetonka and surrounding Twin Cities communities.